Friday, September 10, 2010

lessons to learn

"I would send you a box of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."
-Tom Hanks as Joe Fox in You've Got Mail
a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils
Today as we dashed out the door for our first day of Classical Conversations, we found ourselves dashing back in the door for light jackets, singing all the way over the cool weather.  A first day of school, a chill in the air, reds and yellows beginning to dot the woods and to top it all off? One grande pumpkin spice latte, please.  (These bits of goodness more than made up for the parts of the day we will just put behind us, like being surrounded by crying children in a too-small nursery or the gallon of milk dropped on the kitchen floor...)
Even though we have been "doing school" for the past month, today marked a big beginning as the core of our schooling will be the Classical Conversations grammar curriculum.  I love this program so much, and I'm sure that when friends ask about it I probably gush just a bit about how wonderful it is and I probably offer them more information than they were really asking for and I probably come off like a completely over-zealous home schooling crazy lady.  I've come to terms with that.  I do need this excitement to keep me motivated for the next 24 weeks after-all.  Especially on days like this...
character lessons
Yes, it says "KENNA IS STOOPED" just above the scripture he was copying, Psalm 139:4.  I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Oh my, son. Do I address the spelling first or the obvious need for a character lesson and apology? Right. Gotta love those days when the plans are tossed right out the window but the lessons learned are worth so much more than what was planned.
So, school is in, and as always, I make plans that our days rarely follow as I hope or think or expect them to, but always, good lessons are learned.  I am continually reminded that I am doing so much more than teaching reading, writing and arithmetic.  I am, more importantly, helping to shape their character, nurture their souls, and lead them to a place of understanding so that they can one day on their own discern beauty, goodness and truth.  This is the goal but I'm sure it won't be an easy road for any of us.


  1. Love it! CC, pumpkin spice lattes, the promise of Fall, the humor in a gallon of milk on the kitchen floor, and handwriting lessons laced with some comedy... It's life and I love the way you capture it all with a lens and a blog!

  2. HAHA, mom and I can't stop laughing at "Kenna is Stooped" I guess very soon in my future I may see something similar but with the name Grace :-) HAHA! Love it!

  3. "It makes me want to buy school supplies." LOL!! That is hilarious- so what did you decide on? Character or spelling? Keep going, you crazy homeschooling Mama!

  4. I love the Joe Fox quote! It has been in my head as I have watched countless kiddos march off to school this year. September always makes me think about going back to school. Sigh, the simple days.


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