People often ask how and why I got into photography, so here is the short and sweet version of the story.
I received my first plastic, point and shoot, 110mm film camera as a kid. It was very pink. I started taking pictures and never stopped. I learned as I went along, trial-and-error style. Eventually I worked my way up to a slightly more advanced camera that is not pink. Today I use a Nikon D300 and edit images with Photoshop Elements.
I have found that even when I don't have a camera at hand, photography has taught me to seek beauty in the every day and in between. I am reminded that the God who made all this! also made me, and loves me. A love that big has to be shared, and I'm so thankful I can share it with my camera.
Places to View or Purchase My Photos
:: Zinnia Patch Pictures on Etsy
:: KC Photos
:: my Flickr stream
:: instagram @kellimcampbell
Regular Art Contributor At
::There is A River
::Pick Your Portion
Other Features
:: ColorInc Printlife Blog Pic of the Day (March, 2012)
:: My Creative Peace, artist interview (August, 2011)
:: BlogHer | Life Well Said: Capture Your Summer Fun - How to Turn Ordinary Moments Into Extraordinary Photographs

I just wanna thank you for sharing barefeet pictures of your daughters on flickr, as an old man with a foot fetish I masturbate dreaming of them giving me a footjob, and then ejaculate on my 6yo grandniece's sleeping feet while watching this https://www.tinyurl.com/podosanta