Thursday, September 24, 2009

watching them wonder

I love these shots from our time at the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium (I'm finally getting around to all those pictures from last week.)
I think one of the things I am really loving about homeschooling is the fact that we have more time for things like this. We can visit the aquarium on a quiet weekday morning or head to the beach for an afternoon rather than spending it in pick-up lines. Our days are wide open for exploring and learning and playing. Oh, I am tired and overwhelmed and worried I might be doing it all wrong a lot of the time...but I'm willing to keep at it. We're just getting started and so far it has been so worth it. We're going to have a lot of fun figuring things out along the way.


  1. Au contraire, Kelli, you are doing it soooo right.

  2. So much fun...I can't wait to hear more about how it is all working out for you!

  3. I love - no, LURVE - aquariums. I think that if I lived near one, I would visit it nearly as much as I go to the grocery store or church. Which is a LOT. :) I might just have to take a job at the welcome desk so I could be paid to be at a place I loved like that.
    You and Shawn are giving your kiddos so many amazing experiences - and they are thriving!! I hope we can bunch our kids together for a wild adventure someday... maybe when no one is in diapers anymore?? :)haha

  4. I'm so thankful to have such a great friend to learn from! Thanks for blazing the trail!

  5. We were with two homeschooling families earlier this week. They love it and their kids are so inquisitive and eager to learn! luv d

  6. Hey Kelly, it's been fun reading about your family! I love reading your blog. I taught bilingual 3rd grade for 3 years and am now working on my masters in Curriculum and Instruction through UT (I know, I know). Anyways, here are two great websites that you might like!

    Also, here's a website of all the different alphabet books. It's fun to pick a theme and have your kids create their own! Of course, you might have to help them out more depending on age.


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