Wednesday, February 3, 2010

at least we were entertained

Shawn is at work so I'm killing some time with photos and video from the homecoming. The color is awful in my point and shoot video but I still love this. Kate was entertaining us with her little flag as the Wing band entertained us all. They were really fun! It's a good thing since we were shivering and sleepy as we waiting "just ten more minutes" for over three hours.
I didn't take a whole lot of pictures since I was half asleep and numb with cold but I will share a few more soon. Maybe I'll be able to share some things from Shawn's camera and Flip video as well.
For now though, I have a family dinner to cook. For my whole family. That's nice to say.


  1. What a cute little flag waver. (Such perky music in the wee hours of the morning!!!)

  2. Wow- Live music! They must have sent them to keep the crowd from rioting at the delay!


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