Saturday, May 29, 2010

PW photo assignment update

She chose my photo! It's posted here on PW today!
Coming Home | the moment
I was so shocked and honored to see this photo on the Pioneer Woman Photography site a little while ago. I keep scrolling through the submissions coming in to the Flickr group and I keep reaching for those tissues -they are beautiful. Take some time to watch a bit of the slide show if you can, remember what this holiday weekend is about and give thanks.


  1. Aieeee! :) {how do you spell a squeal of delight, anyhow?}
    I'm so happy, excited, and proud of you! That IS a great photo. So much excitement, emotion, relief, and JOY!

  2. Girl, that gift of yours just keeps on giving!!!!!
    I am absolutely floored by the ease at which you are able to capture such moments! Tears!!!

  3. Whoo hoo! So exciting!
    Have a great holiday weekend - tell Shawn we're thinking of him this Memorial Day.


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